Apply Online
(3 Minutes)
In order to speed the approval process, all applications must be entered online. 4HourFunding.com does not accept fax or email scanned applications. Our simplified online application only takes 2 minutes to fill out!

Credit Approval
4HourFunding.com processes your application and issues a credit decision (usually within 2 hours) by email.

Electronic Documents and Signature
(1 Hour)
4HourFunding.com emails legally binding documents for electronic signature. The customer signs his/her documents on their computer or cell phone. The transaction is now considered closed. No checks are needed to close as 4HourFunding.com will ACH the customer’s bank account at funding time.

4HourFunding.com sends 100% of invoice amounts to the vendor. Unlike many funding companies, we pay 100% of invoice prior to any delivery of equipment. All funding’s are paid by ACH so you receive your money fast!